
게임 끝 (Game over)

When you hear or read the word "Game Over", what comes to your mind? For me, words like failure, defeat, the end, loss, were the first things that popped up in my head.  That's what it felt like when life gave me a Game Over right before my finals with a fractured knee. It's not like the past few months were sunshine and rainbows. To an already suffocated and distressed me, came this unexpected pause. A pause that was painful and lonely, ruining all the plans I had made. Lying on the bed in frustration, not able to move because of my fractured leg was very frustrating and depressing. Every day, I woke up, the words Game Over would flash in my eyes, reminding me of my defeat. One day, I decided to download a game and distract myself from my misery. I used to love playing Crash Team Racing on PS1 with my brother. I downloaded Kart Rider. It seemed quite captivating and fun in one of the "Going Seventeen" episodes I watched.  The first race I lost, the second r


...Ah I started again. In a few seconds, I will fall and it will get darker, how many times is it now?   I have started to get tired...It is gone dark and silent again, I can feel it, I am back in that place.  And like always no matter how hard I try I cannot open my eyes but I can clearly see myself floating inside the deep dark ocean. I am stuck there, I hate it or I used to hate it. Every time I was in that deep, dark hole stuck without a word, help or reason it would frustrate the hell out of me. So many thoughts would flood my mind - Why does it happen to me?!.. I look so lonely and scared, can someone save me, please?!.. I will do anything to escape, please save me...What did I do so wrong?... Let me die, no one cares either way...If I get lost here forever it would not matter, it is better this way...You do not deserve to live...I knew it! this is what happens when I get happy... I want to die... Let me die already!... I do not wish to live in this crappy world where every day I

Volare (To Fly)

 I wonder when will I  break free from the clutches of my misery?   Was it forced upon me or did I adorn them myself? I got so lost in my poetry. Trapped and helpless, I did not want to be,  yet I overlooked the option of saving myself from this sorcery. O Heavens! show me the way out I prayed diligently. The answer was simple and guilt-free, and always in front of me. Even the tarot cards and horoscopes I ransacked screamed painfully, "The answer lies within you, my beauty". All that noise outside could not breach the peace that lay untouched inside me. Escape is not easy, especially when you are constantly coddled by the material world and misery. All that self-pity, encroaching sadness, and guilt enticed me from reaching there, those unfathomable blue skies that existed deep within myself, Oh, how many times I have looked within and just stared?  I want to fly away so badly, but I keep getting tricked into believing in their sorcery.  Then tell me O Heavens, how do I reach

내면의 아이 (Inner Child).

 My heart kept wrenching, and everything felt disturbing cause there was no ending to this monologue, at least that is what I thought. I wanted to run away, far away from reality. Every thought, person, and dialogue kept getting tangled up inside my head. I knew my idea of my perfect self was crumbling down, and there was no escaping it. And as I surrendered to the chaos and made peace with reality, a series of dark nights followed. It was only when I reached that place where darkness engulfed every being I found you.  I knew only you in that nothingness, yet I hesitated to approach you. You who looked like an angel but behaved like a demon were confusing. You who were lost and abandoned by me, sacred and lonely sat there trembling in fear. I knew no amount of words can console you, your hatred was valid. What was I doing all this while? I acted all high and mighty believing I am the angel and you were the demon I had to get rid of.  What a fool I was, 'cause you and I were on the

ดอกมะลิ (Jasmine)

Once upon a time, in a far away kingdom, there lived a Princess. She was always curious to learn, and fond of travelling, the Princess would often leave the palace on her horse and go off on an adventure. One day, on one such adventure the Princess spotted a house with a huge garden. To get a better view of the garden, the Princess mounted off her horse and walked towards the house. The Princess opened the gates and entered the garden. As she was looking around the beautiful varieties of flowers and creepers, something caught her gaze. It stood tall, happy and swayed with grace among the dark green leaves. That flower bud of gardenia Jasmine, stood out among the other fully bloomed gardenia Jasmines. Right next to the flower bud stood a woman, equally beautiful. She looked wise, and a bit alarmed as she recognised the stranger who had barged into her garden.She greeted the Princess and politely enquired the princess of her visit. The beautiful maiden invited the Princess in for refresh

വിത്ത് (Seed).

We all have studied how trees and plants come to life. The process of germination is not new to us, both seeds of plants and humans go through this phase I feel. You must be wondering how, right?  Well if you would have noticed, in our lives before the birth of a new version of ourselves or beginning of an idea or a venture we have found ourselves in dark times. Those dark times where we seem lost, suffocated and alone are similar to the dormancy period before the seed starts to sprout or germinate. From there on, absorption of water, adequate oxygen, warming, sunlight and time are important for the seed to germinate and grow into plants and trees. We humans also need the learnings from those tough experiences we go through because they act as essentials needed to become who we are meant to be, to grow as a person.  Someone who does not indulge in living and restricts themselves from gaining life experiences does not live life. These people just endure life and try to exist. The ups an

Kasut (Shoes)

One of the things in my life that I've found interesting are the shoes I wear. The type of footwear that I wear has changed drastically over the last few years. As a kid apart from school shoes and sandals during rainy seasons, I had one pair of ballerinas for special occasions. Growing up the ballerinas were exchanged for heals and wedges.  But recently I've grown found of sneakers or sports shoes. Apart from them it's flat sandals or slippers. You must be wondering why I'm talking about different footwear to you, it's cause they have taught me a lot about myself and life...  I'm one of those people who no matter what type of footwear they buy, except sports shoes, have had shoe bites. And not the pretty ones but the ugly bloody ones. By the end of the week of having worn a new footwear, my feet are covered with cuts and bandages. What this experience has taught me is that when you try to get along with someone new or start a new chapter in your life, the diffe