വിത്ത് (Seed).

We all have studied how trees and plants come to life. The process of germination is not new to us, both seeds of plants and humans go through this phase I feel. You must be wondering how, right? 

Well if you would have noticed, in our lives before the birth of a new version of ourselves or beginning of an idea or a venture we have found ourselves in dark times. Those dark times where we seem lost, suffocated and alone are similar to the dormancy period before the seed starts to sprout or germinate.

From there on, absorption of water, adequate oxygen, warming, sunlight and time are important for the seed to germinate and grow into plants and trees. We humans also need the learnings from those tough experiences we go through because they act as essentials needed to become who we are meant to be, to grow as a person. 

Someone who does not indulge in living and restricts themselves from gaining life experiences does not live life. These people just endure life and try to exist. The ups and downs of life and periods of dormancy are painful and exhausting but that is part of living. Holding yourself back and avoiding painful experiences will stop you from growing into someone you are meant to be. Just like the plant or tree that comes to be, from the seed. 

All sentient beings journey through life to transform into something more than who they were at the beginning of life. So don't hold yourself back, and stagnate, instead continue the journey and look forward to all those dark times and wonders that you are yet to come across. 

Remember,Growing Pains have many gains! 

See you soon! Till then keep growing 🌼...


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